Who from AniCura Tilburg are we talking to today? Please introduce yourself!

My name is Claudia and I have been working as a veterinarian at AniCura since 2015.I grew up on a farm so I have been surrounded by animals all my life. Helping animals is something I grew up with.

In addition, I had a medical interest from an early age and helped the veterinarian as a child when he/she came to visit. So veterinary medicine was right up my alley. It is a very broad profession. Every day is different and every patient is different.

The work is both physical and mental. One day you are an internist, the next day a psychologist or a dermatologist.

I have a dog named Flow, who will soon be 15. He is a cross between a Basenji and a greyhound. Exactly which greyhound breed that is remains a mystery, because he came from the shelter.

I also have 4 guinea pigs named Obi, Yoda, Chewy and Grogu. I adopted them from the guinea pig shelter. These 3 ladies and gentleman are now 5, 5, 4 and 2 years old and provide even more companionship in the house.

I've been surrounded by animals all my life so helping animals is right up my alley

What peculiarities do you often encounter? What has stuck out to you the most?

The patients we often encounter are no longer so special to us. We often see vomiting, diarrhea, or, for example, itching and skin problems.

What we see less often and yet always remain special are dogs that eat foreign objects. With some regularity we have to operate on dogs to remove something from their stomach or intestinal tract, because something got stuck.

In advance it is often a surprise what we are going to take out. It ranges from satay sticks, bath ducks, and dog toys to socks, handkerchiefs, baby bibs and underpants.

And what specifics with cats?

We sometimes see cats making crazy movements with their head and throat and producing strange noises. It then looks like they are trying to vomit, but they don't really succeed.

These are often cats where there is a blade of grass stuck in the nose and or throat. Cats sometimes want to eat grass when their stomachs are a little upset. Or the owner has offered them cat grass themselves.

If this gets stuck it causes a lot of irritation in the nose and throat and the cat often cannot get it out.

We then have to subject the cat under anesthesia to a throat inspection and try to remove the blade of grass with a hook and grapple.

As an owner, you should not let your cat eat grass and therefore should not feed cat grass!

You should not let your cat eat grass or feed cat grass. If it gets stuck then it gives a lot of irritation

Always wanted a behind-the-scenes look at the operating room or treatment plaza?

On Saturday, May 25, an open house is planned at AniCura Animal Hospital Tilburg.

The veterinarians will be happy to show you around and introduce you to their daily work.

Did you know that the animal ambulance will also stop by? Stop by and take a look behind the scenes at these top veterinarians who are always ready for your dear friends!

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The story of Nacho: FIP disease

The story of Nacho: FIP disease

In this blog, we talk to the hoomans of Taco and Nacho. Nacho was diagnosed with FIP and together they went through an intense period. What exactly is this disease and what is the process like? In this blog you will find answers to all your questions about FIP.