Of course, we all know that cats are peculiar pets.
We picked out these unusual facts about cats and list them for you here.
Do you recognize some of them?

20 unusual facts about cats

  • The cat walk. Cats have a distinctive way of walking, moving their hind legs first and only then their front legs.
  • Memory. Cats have an excellent memory. This allows them to remember where food and safe hiding places are.
  • Smell. Cats have a unique organ in their nose called the Jacobs organ. They can use this to detect pheromones, this helps them communicate with other cats.
  • The cute "milking". Cats make a special movement with their paws known as milking. They do this to encourage their mother to give milk. Adult cats still do this too, this indicates that they are comfortable with the owner, or should we say servant ;)
  • Territory. Cats mark their territory by leaving scent flags on objects, They do this by spreading small bits of urine to let other cats know this is their territory.
  • Whiskers. They seem useless but are of great importance. In fact, cats' whiskers are very sensitive. It helps them explore the environment and avoid obstacles. Do the whiskers fit through a passageway? Then the cat knows it fits all the way through. With the whiskers, they can even sense airflow and determine where a scent is coming from.
  • Cats have a high tolerance for sodium. They can survive on water that is too salty, unlike other animals.
  • We all know that cats meow and purr, but did you know that cats can also blow and growl? Through the different sounds a cat makes, it gives off a warning, from nice feeling to I'm angry stay away from me.
  • A cat's reaction capability is lightning fast. In just 1/6th of a second, cats can respond to stimuli.
  • Cats chase, but not by running after them. Instead, they lie still and wait for the prey to come closer. This is also called "resting and waiting." Once the prey is close enough the cat only starts moving.
  • Hearing , cats have perfect hearing and can detect sounds that humans cannot hear.
  • They have a flexible spine and can twist and bend their bodies in almost any position imaginable. Hence, they almost always land on their feet, especially when combined with their quick reactions.
  • Cats sleep for an average of 15 hours a day (that sounds tasty doesn't it?), so they spend up to 70% of their lives sleeping.
  • Almost all cats prefer warm places, which is why they often lie in the sun on the windowsill or near a heater in winter.
  • Cats are capable of healing themselves. In fact, cats' saliva contains antibacterial properties that help prevent infections. By licking, they take care of their wound and thus heal the wounds largely by themselves.
  • Cats communicate not only by meowing or purring, but also by touch. Hence the giving of heads, in this way they seek affection and show affection.
  • Picky. That cats are picky about food has a reason. cats have about 475 taste buds as opposed to a human's 9,000. Hence, your cat can be quite finicky with food.
  • Cats are also known for their memory. They can recognize faces, voices and sounds of people.
  • Cat ears. They are of course immensely cute, but did you know that cats can move their ears independently? This way they can locate sounds from different directions.
  • What is almost unthinkable is still possible. You can teach your cat tricks, such as using a cat flap, pawing and even fetching toys. You'll need a little more patience for this than training a dog, so set it up!

Did you know all 20 of them?
Did you also know, for example, that a cat feels safer from a higher height, as this gives him the overview? Of course RHRQuality has excellent scratching posts for this, think for example of the mighty fine Maine Coon Tower, available in various colors and compositions.

Read the next article

What to do about hairballs?

What to do about hairballs?


This week, with Emma's help, we present you with a blog that is a bit more informative than the regular blog!

Hairballs, which cat owner doesn't know it?
Obviously very annoying, also for your cat itself. But what can you do about it?
With the experience of Emma and Simba we can help you!


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